Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Future is Bright

I've never been prouder of the profession that I have chosen. I have so much hope for the future of American Education. Even for the kids that sit in the way back of the classroom.

The technology of today is unbelieveable!!! My old professor Dr. Allen has taught me so much about how to integrate technology into the classroom. He has shown me ways to reach EVERY student, no matter how reluctant they are to learn. The key is to find what motivates them, and then use it.

This professor didn't just teach that to his students, he actually uses this philosophy in his own teaching. The boy that sat next to me in his class could not care less about what the professor had to say. Until one day he asked us all to bring in our Ipods if we had one. This guy was SO excited about class that day. He even had a print out of all his songs. The assignment isn't important here, except the fact that this teacher took an unconventional approach to reach his students. If there are more teachers out there like Dr. Allen, then there is absolutely hope for the future of American education!

This post is part of the MAT@USC Hope for the holidays event. Did you experience or witness an event in 2009 that gave you hope for the future of American education? If so, please see this post for more information on how to share it.